• Deemed: Axis BOU considers the bill payment as successful when the Setu Bill Pay API response does reach the BOU. The failure could be due to network timeout between Setu<>Biller or Setu<>Axis BOU. When Axis BOU responds with Bill Pay success to NPCI without receiving an explicit bill pay response from Setu, the acknowledgment from Axis BOU to NPCI is defined as deemed payment acceptance.

  • Deemed Plus:  it allows for custom reposting based on biller preferences. Secondly, Setu sends a Failed reposting transaction report notifying the biller of transactions they must manually mark as successful since their systems failed to respond to multiple reposting trials. If a transaction were to fail the first posting to the biller, it would be reposted to the biller ‘X’ times a day, for a maximum of ‘Y’ days; ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are integer values that are configurable according to biller needs.