Bridge Know How (1)
All you need to know about onboarding with Setu
Bharat BillPay System (BBPS) enables billers to collect from a network of 400+ applications across India.
UPI (2)
FAQs category
What is KYC?
Where can I access reports and see my daily data requests?
How do I invite users to this dashboard?
What is offline Aadhaar KYC?
What does Setu provide in the OKYC solution?
What can I do with this product?
What is Account Aggregators (AA)?
Who are the participants in the Account Aggregator ecosystem?
Which businesses does Setu cater to, and what are Setu’s offerings within AA?
Which banks/insurers/securities institutions are FIPs and FIUs on the AA framework?
What are the data parameters that I can get on the consent of the user?
What are the UI guidelines as part of the FIU activity?